Photo Gallery



This is how the patio look originally


One third of the patio was this shed

Opened up

The shed doors and wall were removed

Cleaning up

Powerwashing and painting were done

Cleanup complete

Everything is ready for the next phase


A very nice indoor/outdoor Berber style carpet is fitted and glued to the concrete

Phase complete

This is the patio are almost finished, lights are being mounted


Just sitting around waiting for the spa


Spa delivery was very quick and efficient


A special Quad-fold cover had to be order due to the low ceiling in the patio area


Here is the completed spa area with the lighting

Day view

The spa area with our new palm tree and the bar

Wall Construction

Special removable panels were constructed with windows and a door


Sealing the panels for moisture resistance

Outside Finished, 1

View of enclosure

Outside Finished, 2

Another view showing the three panels with windows

Inside 1

The three windows are all removeable and have a thin cloud imaged film on them so you cannot see inside from outside


This is where I serve 'em up


The two halves of the cover fold outward from the center and rest on the ground on both sides of the spa


This is the door from the inside with a bamboo shade

Window Open

Each window opens for venting and is removable just by lifting the left side up and out